The Almost Totally Pointless Posts of a Menique Haunted Kid

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Yo Mon

I have a speaker that is lime green which is like the same color as my room. Guess what i went to starbucks and got this latte and it tasted gross and im pissed off cuz the last time i ordered it it tasted good. and i got hit with a ruler today in ss and thats mean u know what else is mean that the fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. like what if someone with that wanted 2 tell some1, theyd be too scared to. yeah. here are some other phobias lol vote for you favorite
Ephibiphobia-the fear of teenagers
Ithyphallophobia-the fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis
Genuphobia-the fear of ones knees
Taphephobia-the fear of being buried alive
Ideophobia-the fear of ideas
Anuptaphobia-the fear of staying single
Pteronophobia-the fear of being tickeled by feathers
Sinistrophobia-the fear of things lefthanded
Ophthalmalphobia-the fear of being stared at
Paraphobia-the fear of sexual perversion
Arachibutyrophobia-the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Apeirophobia-the fear of infinity
Defecaloesiophobia-the fear of painful bowel movements
Auroraphobia-the fear of the Northern Lights
Xanthophobia-the fear of yellow
Autophobia-the fear of being alone
Bogyphobia-the fear of the Boogey Man
Caligynephobia-the fear of beautiful women
Chrometophobia-the fear of money
Cibophobia-the fear of food
Consecotaleophobia-the fear of chopsticks
Zemmiphobia-the fear of the great mole rat


the Jaywalker said...

hahaha I like apeirophobia, Caligynephobia and Consecotaleophobia. Hooray for chopsticks!

Anonymous said...

Genuphobia. Because it's so obviously like the French word genou which means knee. I think.

I think Fran has the opposite of ithyphallophobia. She thinks about it much too much. And she and Audrey have the opposite of paraphobia because they're such perverts. BWAHAHAHAHahaha shutting up now.

Anonymous said...
