The Almost Totally Pointless Posts of a Menique Haunted Kid

Monday, January 29, 2007

So for everyone who doesnt know....last tuesday, during pe, i got hit in my eye with a hockey puck. it hurt like #### when it happened lol and idk when it 1st happened i didnt even open my eye or nything cuz it just felt like my eye and the area around it was being sucked into my head. So then some people who i forget who they were but i think nicole v. and like shannon and zareen were like guiding me towards the health office. cuz everything was really blurry. and apparently at that time my eye was extremely red. then i got to sit there for like an hour while the person tried to reach my parents. finally my mom picked up her phone and we went to emergency 4 kids or watever at the doctor. then they sent me to this other doctor. the "other doctor" happened to be a surgeon as well as an eye doctor. loverly. nyways then he said that the bottom of my iris (yeah the color part) was bleeding. then he prescribed all these weird drops that i had to take. and he told me that i had a "serious eye trauma injury" and that i needed to go home and sit very still (no lying down cuz blood would go to my head) and look straight ahead. so i went home and i cant really remember much after that. i just remember watching some weird tv show and like drifting off and idk. nyways then the next day i had to stay home from school and go to the doctor again. he told me to not go to school on thursday either. this whole staying home from school and go to the doctor everyday process went on until today. While i was at home, not able to read, look around, move, or nything, it was, bOrInG. I watched a whole lot of ###### movies and tv and crap. and i had to wear this scary eye patch freako thing. OH YEAH how could i forget on wednesday Ms. GIBSON came to my HOUSE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. it was the scariest moment of my entire life. i tried to hide was too late. =,(. nyways i came 2 school 2day. and i had to wear sunglasses which every1 kept commenting on. grr. and im depressed i cant do contact sports for like 2 months. and our next unit in pe is basketball. and i <3>


Anonymous said...

Pobrecita. Like Audrey, I wish for you to inform your eye injury I told it to go to hell.

And I am so never ever playing hockey again.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I would just like to announce: I know Zareen! She was in my French 1A class! (And therefore I adore her forever...only...not.)

Aaahmee said...

ooh yea jls right? yea shes kool

the Jaywalker said...

hoy. =] at least you're better now. and those shmexy sunglasses are definitely worth commenting on. so there.

me: meow!
my cat: o__o meow.

she wishes you well, daughter of Eve.

the Jaywalker said...

...I think. do well-wishers usually bite people right after they do the whole well-wishing thing?

Anonymous said...

what's a contact sport?

Aaahmee said...

a contact sport is like basket ball or football or stuff